Get Involved

Getting involved in the Inequality Working Group is easy.
We are a diverse and international group with members spanning several continents. Many of our members are economics students, but we welcome members from other disciplines and beyond academia as well.
The group is open to anybody who wants to join, but we encourage you to become an active and contributing member by organizing events, sharing your thoughts, and taking charge of one or more of the activities listed below. Our group is part of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI), and as such, we ask that members of the IWG comply with YSI's Guiding Principles.
If you have any questions about how to get a project or an event started, don't hesitate to ask. We'll walk you through the process of getting things off the ground, and we'll also help promote your efforts. Below is a list of the types of events and projects our members contribute to. For a list of our upcoming events, check out our Events page.
Webinars, reading groups, conferences, workshops, blog posts, research and more...
Host an Online Webinar: We have access to an online webinar software called GoToMeeting. This means we can meet and host events online. Webinars are a great way to present papers or research ideas to other members of the group. You can also host a webinar by inviting a guest speaker to give a presentation online. Webinars can be hosted as one-time events, or you can host a series of recurring webinars around a single topic. The group, as a whole, meets once a month for a group-wide webinar, but individual members can host their own online meetings in addition to this.
Start a Reading Group: Want to read a book like Piketty's Capital? Set up an IWG reading group locally or organize the reading group online as a webinar.
Organize a Workshop: If you want to organize a workshop like the one we hosted in New York City, it's not as much work as you might think. Let us know if you're interested in hosting a similar event at your school or in your city, and we can help you get started.
Contribute to our 2-minute series: We're really excited about our new 2-minute paper series. The idea is simple, if you read a good academic paper on inequality, you write and submit a short summary to this website (something that would take less than 2-mintues to read). The 2min series allows us to stay collectively on top of the academic literature, and we'll build up a go-to spot for finding good articles related to our research. (If you're feeling extra ambitious, we also publish book summaries from time to time). Submissions are accepted here.
Have your own idea for an event or project? Great! Let us know what you're planning, and we'll help spread the word.
You can always send us comments, feedback or questions on our About page.